

3 “滴蜡法”绘画创作介绍:
Wax Drawing Introduction.

这些颜色丰富,线条和点滴变化的抽象图案是如何制作出来呢?让我们来介绍一下:首先,点燃烛或小蜡盘,将蜡液倒入或滴入画纸中,形成不同的线条造型。当然,同学们心中一定要先有个创作概念,表现某一种感觉,这样才不会杂乱和无意义! 随着心中所要的感觉来表现和创作,这种的创作才有目标,才是好的!当蜡液干了之后,可以上第一层色彩;等色彩干了之后,再滴或倒入第2次蜡液,使蜡液覆盖着颜色。蜡液干了之后,再上第2层色彩,如此重复几次,画面就会出现丰富的抽象图案。最后,用塑料尺把干蜡都刮掉,作品就完成了!
*Dissolve the wax in a small plate and gently drip onto drawing paper, create different line form.
*While the wax is drying, apply a layer of colour. After that, drip the wax in for the second time and then apply a second layer of colour.
*Repeat the steps until an abstract art is formed.
*Finally, scrap off the wax using a plastic ruler.

3.1 可以将完成的抽象图案画加以美术利用,如作礼物纸,也可当作包书纸来用等等。现在,我们邀请同学们再加以剪栽,创作出更完美,更有内容的绘画创作。
We can use the completed abstract art to create useful art such as wrapper etc.

3.2 我们来看看学生们大胆构思的绘画内容作品展示。他们是如何结合了“滴蜡法”的抽象表现主义的技巧表现和题目内容的安排。
We can also invite students to add on their ideas or scrap off to produce more creative and satisfying art work.


2.中国安塞区的独特民间线描艺术介绍 Chinese Tradisional Line Sketching Introduction.

你们猜这些画是几岁的孩子画的?答案是: 这些线描画都是出自六七十岁的老大娘之手。随意的构图,稚趣的铅笔线组成了地道的民间绘画造型。在中国陕北偏远农村,仍旧保持着这种原生农业美术的用线趣味,这些画描绘心灵的世界,对生活,对生命的热爱。所以勾起来没有粗细,曲直,方圆,顿挫的讲究,拿起笔“尽管画”,画到哪算哪,无拘无束,十分随意。这是一种“激情”! 捕捉到心灵闪光的瞬间,真实地反映了她们创作时无尽的奇思与妙想。现在同学们欣赏和了解之后,可以作为参考和练习,画出属于自己的线描作品,丰富自己的艺术创作,以此鼓励马来和印度同胞也画出他们独有的线描艺术。
Those sketched line are drawn by old ladies from province An Sai which is done with their individual creativeness, simple form and line sketches is used in their personalized artwork that symbolize agricultural life.

Now that students have understood the basic knowledge of line sketching, we encourage Malay and Indian students to design their very own tradisional line sketching.

Student line sketching art work demo :

Students can try to use bamboo stick, chopsticks, branches, feathers and brushes to sketch out their own art work.


1)认识传说中的中华古兽 Chinese Culture Mythical Animals Introduction

同学们,你们是否曾经喜欢日本的“Pokemon”? 其实,我们中华文化里也有许多传说中的古兽,现在为你们介绍其中几种奇特的古兽,你可以选择一种你喜欢的并加以线描练习,然后制作版画,让你所制作的古兽,看起来感觉更“古老”,更“神气”!
Now, let us introduce some peculiar animals for you, you can choose among of them and come up with your own plasticine print making after doing some line sketching to make it more vigorous and old-age’s perception.


Brief introduction among the mythical animals

龙 :中国古代传说中的奇异动物,身体长,有鳞,有角,有脚,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云降雨。古时作为帝王的象征。有云龙,吐水龙,戏珠龙等多种。
Dragon-mythical animals, with long body, scale, horn, legs, can fly, walk. Swim and others. As a symbol of emperor.

吐水龙 戏珠龙

凤 :古代传说中的百鸟之网,羽毛魅力,常用来象征祥瑞。
Phoenix-the queen of the birds, with colourful feathers.

Flood Dragon-an animals which has the power to cause floods.

饕餮 :传说中一种凶恶贪食的野兽。
Tao tie-a fiece and greedy animals.

麒麟 :古代传说中一种象征吉祥的动物,形如鹿,头上有角,全身有鳞甲,有牛尾。古人将麒麟与龙,凤,龟并称“四灵”。
Unicorn-an animal looks like deer, it symbolize good lucks and prosperity.

辟邪 :传说中一种神兽,似狮,有翼,能伏妖降魔。
Pi xie-(keep away evil spirits)-an animal looks like lion with wings, has the power to fight the evils.


students art works.

1.3制作中华古兽版画图解 Diagram of Chinese culture mythical animals plasticine print making process.

*准备一条普通的塑料泥,并搓成圆球状。*Prepare a normal plasticine and twist into ball shapes.

*用棍状的压平成圆饼形或四方形或自然形。*Then press it into square shapes or natural shapes.

*用竹签构出古兽图的简单线描。Use stick to work out mythical animals with a simple line sketching.

*再用刻刀刻出深的轮廓,用竹签刻出较细的内部线条。*Then use graver to sculpt the narrow line.

*涂上Pelaka红彩。*Spread with red colour pelaka.

*用宣纸或月宫殿纸拓印。*Print out on the chinese rice paper.

*完成作品。*Art work completed.


Student’s art work demo.