1)认识传说中的中华古兽 Chinese Culture Mythical Animals Introduction
同学们,你们是否曾经喜欢日本的“Pokemon”? 其实,我们中华文化里也有许多传说中的古兽,现在为你们介绍其中几种奇特的古兽,你可以选择一种你喜欢的并加以线描练习,然后制作版画,让你所制作的古兽,看起来感觉更“古老”,更“神气”!
Now, let us introduce some peculiar animals for you, you can choose among of them and come up with your own plasticine print making after doing some line sketching to make it more vigorous and old-age’s perception.
Now, let us introduce some peculiar animals for you, you can choose among of them and come up with your own plasticine print making after doing some line sketching to make it more vigorous and old-age’s perception.
Brief introduction among the mythical animals
龙 :中国古代传说中的奇异动物,身体长,有鳞,有角,有脚,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云降雨。古时作为帝王的象征。有云龙,吐水龙,戏珠龙等多种。
Dragon-mythical animals, with long body, scale, horn, legs, can fly, walk. Swim and others. As a symbol of emperor.
凤 :古代传说中的百鸟之网,羽毛魅力,常用来象征祥瑞。
Phoenix-the queen of the birds, with colourful feathers.
Phoenix-the queen of the birds, with colourful feathers.
Flood Dragon-an animals which has the power to cause floods.
饕餮 :传说中一种凶恶贪食的野兽。
Tao tie-a fiece and greedy animals.
麒麟 :古代传说中一种象征吉祥的动物,形如鹿,头上有角,全身有鳞甲,有牛尾。古人将麒麟与龙,凤,龟并称“四灵”。
Unicorn-an animal looks like deer, it symbolize good lucks and prosperity.
辟邪 :传说中一种神兽,似狮,有翼,能伏妖降魔。
Pi xie-(keep away evil spirits)-an animal looks like lion with wings, has the power to fight the evils.
students art works.
1.3制作中华古兽版画图解 Diagram of Chinese culture mythical animals plasticine print making process.
Student’s art work demo.
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