
山洞壁画创作 / Cave mural creation


After teacher explains the primitive man using all kind of colour made of volcano ore to record their daily life on the cave wall, simultaneously, lets the student use their imagination to explain on the strange painting of primitive mural. Then, let the students to create their very own mural art work.

制作方法的技巧介绍∶先将画纸弄皱,涂水上色,再次弄皱,效果更好!然后依皱纹肌理加上一两道山洞裂缝,再用海棉在画纸上做出一些粗沙的效果,感觉更像山壁。 好了!以下展示一些学生作品。

The methods to create a mural art work:
First of all, we crease the paper, after colour it, we crease it again, then we scratch it, as if it looks like crevice in a rock. The next step, we use the sponge to rub the paper again to make it look more rougher as what we observe in a cave.


In addition, we would like to introduce some other drawing method. Do you realize all these method?

2 评论:

Anastácio Soberbo 说...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal

彩绘人生 说...


welcome back again:)~