
世界人种面面观 Different Faces Around The World

*注∶(资料取自《1000 Families》) Note:(Photos from <1000>)

你有见过这些脸孔吗?同学们,他们的脸孔和肤色和你的有什么不同? 其实他们都是我们邻居!让我们把他们画进我们的画里。今后,希望同学们的画作里会出现各种不同的脸孔和肤色的人,而不再是千脸一面了!以下是学生的临摹的习作。
You have seen these faces? What is the different between their faces and skin colour with yours? Actually they are our neighbours! Let us draw them in our picture.
Hopefully, from now on, our students can present each kind of different faces and skin colour in their art works. Following are students art work.

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